The Redmi Band has been introduced during the May fan festival on Friday. The new smart band comes with a color display and supports many fitness-tracking features, including support for activity recordings such as cycling, running and walking. The band also has heart rate sensors that monitor your heart rate. This band even works to track the user's sleep. Just like the recently launched Huawei Band 4 and Honor Band 5i, the Redmi Band also has an integrated USB plug for easy charging. There is also a dial face option to choose from. The company has launched this band in four strap variants. The Redmi band will initially be available for purchase in China, although it may reach markets like India in the future.
Redmi Band Price and Availability
According to China's Website Mydrivers, it is priced at 99 Chinese i.e. about Rs 1,100. It will be made available under crowdfunding campaign. It will be made available under the campaign on 9th April. However, its global availability has not yet been reported. We did not find this band listed on its Chinese website.
Redmi Band Specifiations, Features
The Redmi Band comes with a rectangular 1.08-inch color display. It comes with five different sports modes and also includes a heart rate monitoring feature. An optical heart rate sensor has been given in the band. The Redmi Band also supports sleep monitoring, allowing users to see their sleep patterns..
The Redmi Band comes with an integrated USB connector, which can only charge the band by plugging in a USB charger. The Readme claims that the Battery of the Readme band can run for 14 days once charged. In addition, the Redmi Band comes with Android OS, which also gives it the option to connect with phones other than the Redmi and M smartphones. Xiaomi has given more than 70 individual dial faces on the Readme band. The band will be available in four different band options
Recently, the company has launched Mi Bunny Watch 4. It has a dual camera setup. It is provided with HD sensors. It has been launched in the Chinese market at present. But soon it can also be launched in the global market. However, the company has not yet provided any information in this regard.